Welcome to our church family!
Come and visit us one Sunday – we’d love to meet you. Here are some questions you may have on your mind.
When and where do you meet?
Meeting together is the high-point of our week. On Sunday mornings we meet at 10:30 in the school hall of Coopers Edge Primary School, Typhoon Way, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4DY. We also meet in the same venue for our evening service at 18:00. There’s a small car park just in front of the school, otherwise there’s space in the surrounding roads. Please note that just beyond the school there is a small stretch of bus lane – please don’t drive through it or you’ll receive a fine in the post!
You are more than welcome to attend any of our services. Please get in touch via if you want to know more.
Coopers Edge Primary School
What happens during your services?
We believe that Sundays are really important – a day set apart for God’s family to get together to be refreshed, encouraged and fed for the week ahead. Our services centre upon our emphasis on the need to have a living relationship with God – hearing from Him and speaking to Him. In our morning service we sing, pray, there is often a talk for the children, and we have a reading from the Bible and then a message to explain the passage, apply it to our lives, and above all to let it show us the greatness of Jesus. The service normally lasts from an hour to an hour and 15 minutes.
Our evening services are similar in format, and once a month we set aside time to share the Lord’s Supper together (communion).
We serve refreshments after both services and encourage people to stay and chat in the large all-weather atrium area.
What is provided for my children?
The Lord Jesus welcomed the children to come to him and we want to do all we can to welcome all, from the youngest to the oldest, to attend our services. During the morning service we have a staffed creche during the main message which is available for all pre-school aged children (all helpers being DBS checked). We also provide a weekly sermon sheet to help children (and adults!).
We’re quite used to a bit of noise during the service so please don’t worry if your children make any.
What should I wear?
We have no set uniform! Please come in whatever you would feel most comfortable.
Do you have a preferred Bible translation?
As members we read from a variety of different translations. Our pastor preaches from the English Standard Version. If you don’t have your own Bible we’d love to give one to you.